Farewell 2023!

Farewell 2023!


As we say goodbye to 2023, we want to express our sincere appreciation for the remarkable collaborations we’ve fostered with our valued clients and partners. Looking ahead to 2024, we are excited to embark on a new chapter that places an even greater emphasis on innovation. Our steadfast dedication to providing cutting-edge techniques, models, and solutions to our clients is driven by our ongoing efforts in Research and Development.

Here’s a preview of our R&D priorities for 2024:

  • Crafting customized AI scripts for advanced data analysis
  • Developing Organotypic slice models
  • Exploring In vivo Calcium Imaging techniques
  • Advancing HD-MEA recordings for both slice and cell electrophysiology

Follow along for updates on our progress in #innovation, #research, #invitroelectrophysiology, #invivoelectrophysiology, #drugdiscovery, #preclinicalresearch, and #neuroscience.

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